
Whiplash can commonly occur after a car accident due to the impact of the collision. The impact can cause the neck to move frontward and backward forcefully. Along with that, you may also feel stiffness in your neck and a limited range of motion. At Maryland Chiropractic & Physical Medicine LLC in Edgewater, MD, we provide treatment for any neck pain or back pain you may have due to whiplash. Before visiting us, learn more about this condition below:


Understanding Whiplash

The impact of an auto accident is the main cause of whiplash, as it causes your neck to whip in one direction and then rapidly in another direction. As a result, you will experience neck sprain. Not only that, but the tissues in the neck also get overextended, which creates discomfort and stiffness. Whiplash can be caused by several factors, such as pulled and torn muscles in the neck and small fractures in the bones of the neck. When you visit our chiropractors, we will perform imaging tests, such as CT scans, MRIs, and X-rays, for a better view of your neck. The results will also help us develop a treatment plan that will help reduce your discomfort and help you heal.

Symptoms of Whiplash

Whiplash typically results in neck pain, however, it may also include stiffness. You may also experience back pain that needs to be treated in order to prevent further damage. Whiplash can cause discomfort in the arms, shoulders, and limited your range of motion as well. Not only that, but simple tasks, such as bending over or brushing your teeth, can be challenging. If you have any of these symptoms, it is important to receive treatment, as pain that is left untreated can become chronic. We utilize chiropractic adjustments to help relieve the pain that is caused by this condition. With an adjustment, our chiropractors can realign any bones that may be out of alignment and help you feel better.

Contact us for Treatment Today

If you are experiencing whiplash due to an auto accident, our team at Maryland Chiropractic & Physical Medicine LLC in Edgewater, MD, is happy to help. We can evaluate your condition and offer a treatment that is designed for your specific needs. To learn about the various treatments that we provide and to set up your appointment, contact us at (443) 294-6873. Our team looks forward to assisting you with your recovery!

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Monday, Thursday
8:30 am - 12:30 pm 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday
8:30 am - 2:00 pm
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
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